9 05, 2020

‘The Black Cap’ by Sir William Orpen and the mass murderer Henri Landru.

By |2022-08-30T11:50:48+00:00May 9th, 2020|Art and Culture, Art Gallery, Auction, Orpen, Orpen Research Project, Orpen Researsh Archives, Sir William Orpen, WW1|0 Comments

The connection between the artist William Orpen, the mass murderer [...]

24 03, 2020

Norman Lindsay – “he had no art” according to Sir William Orpen.

By |2020-03-25T20:02:42+00:00March 24th, 2020|Art and Culture, Art Gallery, Auction, Orpen, Poem, Sculpture, WW1|0 Comments

Norman Lindsay (1879 - 1969) considered to be Australia's most [...]

17 09, 2017

Inspector Morse and William Orpen’s painting of Amelia Bacon.

By |2024-06-01T15:25:41+00:00September 17th, 2017|Art and Culture, Charity, Orpen, Orpen Research Project, Orpen Researsh Archives, TV, William Orpen Research Archives|0 Comments

Watching an episode of Inspector Morse – ‘Last Seen Wearing’, [...]

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